Best consultants

Riccardo Pozzi

Riccardo Pozzi, Head of EU Corporate Affairs


My Job

As Head of EU Corporate Affairs, I help governments and companies to navigate EU political and regulatory opportunities and threats, supporting them with tailor made strategies and effective communication to promote consolidate and protect their interests.

My Experience

I have more than 10 years’ of experience in EU politics, international relations and public affairs, and now as a consultant, I specialise in government relations and communications.

Before joining UTOPIA, I served as Special Representative of the Chairperson-in-office at the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and as Advisor to the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Italian Senate. In addition, I have participated in international electoral observation missions, managed multiple electoral campaigns and served for two terms as Vice President of Europe’s largest political youth organisation.

I am also member of Scientific Committee of the Policy Observatory at Luiss University and Fellow of the Aspen Institute.

My Proudest Achievements

Having opened the UTOPIA EU Affairs office and continuing to sustain considerable growth through our Brussels location. I am proud to work everyday with a young and talented team of professionals to build a world class consultancy.

My Education

  • Bachelor’s in law
  • Master’s degree in International law
  • PhD Candidate in Political Science

My Languages

Italian, English and Spanish.

My Interests outside work

I am a Business Angel, I enjoy to supporting and investing in disruptive startups.

My Favourite Brussels anecdote

One evening, on our way back from Strasbourg after a plenary week, we stopped by our office that was under renovation to check the state of the works and we found a man sneaking in through a door accidentally left open by the workers. After the initial scare we asked him who he was and what he was doing in our office. With great nonchalance he replied: “I am Olivier and I was making a very important business call”. Since then in our office there is the ‘Olivier’ Meeting Room.

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