My Job
I am the Managing Director in CLERENS and I am also working as Secretary General of 2 Brussels based associations in the energy sector, The European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE) and the European Suppliers of Waste-to-Energy Technologies (ESWET).
My Experience
In 1996, I started working as a consultant for a private company specialising in European Affairs in Brussels. Since 2003 I have been the managing director of CLERENS.
I have extensive knowledge in advising European industry federations and other multinational clients in their strategy regarding energy and electrical transmissions, environment and climate change, in participation in European funded projects (e.g. poverty alleviation) inclusive finding of partners and writing of proposals and in participation in public procurements including follow-up and intervention if the call did not follow EU requirements as well as representing clients in complete event organisations for lobbying or communications purposes.
My Specialisms
My Proudest Achievements
When lobbying to adapt a challenging energy efficiency requirement to the climate differences in the EU, we managed to make a study on the climate correction factor, which was later taken up in EU legislation. Before being taken up on EU level, the Italian Government used our study to make our findings binding Italian law via Decreet. So, seeing the findings of our study ending up as national legal requirements was quite surprising and confirmed that a thorough and factual lobbying approach has better chances to be crowned by success.
My Education
I studied German Law in Universität des Saarlandes and in Gutenberg Universität Mainz.
My Languages
English, German, French, Dutch.
My Interests outside work
I like to work wood, since this creative activity challenges the mind and the skills. Not saying that I excel at this, but it occupies the mind and the hands. Otherwise I like to swim, play basketball and paraglide.
My Favourite Brussels anecdote
Brussels is a unique city. It is a city being also a region, a city consisting of 19 distinct municipalities and being part of the Flemish Community as well as the Walloon Community. It is therefore a focal point uniting different nationalities, and communities. One could claim that also the EU is a unique construction. It is not (yet) a state, It unites 27 countries and it is the focal point of different communities (Schengen, Euro…). So my favourite Brussels anecdote is that Brussels the host to the EU, has a lot in common with it.