Best consultants

Emmanouil Patavos

Emmanouil Patavos, Managing Director, Head of Technology Media Telecoms (TMT) Brussels

FTI Consulting

My Job

I lead the TMT practice, focusing on the growth of the business and the development of the team, as well as making sure we are providing expert strategic advice and support to our clients.

My Experience

I have over 12 years of experience in EU public affairs.  Prior to joining the consulting world, I did a few traineeships in the EU institutions (Cabinet of the Environment Commissioner, EU mission to the UN, Council of the European Union).

However I believe one of the best work experiences I have had was that of a waiter in New York…and I am still serving clients to this day.

My Proudest Achievements

That’s a hard one – there are so many achievements that the team and I have attained over the years that we take great pride in. From assisting clients in achieving goals against all odds, to winning highly competitive and sought-after business.

However, one that likely stands out as of late is the way in which we have persevered and adapted to the challenges that Covid has brought about to our personal and professional lives.  This is one of my proudest moments – observing from up close how my team pushed ahead, undeterred by the new realities of Covid – not once did I hear anyone complain that they could not do their job, instead there has always been a ‘can do attitude’.  That is what I am most proud of, the TMT team’s ethos.

My Education

  • Masters – International political economy and Europe
  • University of Warwick, UK

My Languages

English, Greek.

My Interests outside work

Pre-covid: Going out with friends and attending festivals, traveling to warmer destinations.

Post-covid: Running.

My Favourite Brussels anecdote

When I first arrived in Brussels someone once told me “you cry when you get here, and you cry when you leave”.  Brussels is not exactly the Maldives, so inherently some are not enamoured by its beauty when they first arrive, but I have witnessed many who when the time comes to leave are heart broken. Brussels has so much to offer all it takes is a bit of discovery, an open mind, and escaping the bubble.

Best in Brussels 2024/25 Report

Best in Brussels is the first and only independent resource for organisations wanting to identify, compare and choose the best partners in Brussels for their advocacy needs.
