Best consultants

David Reed

David Reed, Senior Partner Global Head of the Financial Policy Advisers Network


My Job

I help corporates and trade associations to structure and manage their government and regulatory affairs work across the EU, working across the Kreab network and with many other partners. Mostly this focuses on building clients’ internal organisational arrangements, assisting with external reputation and profile building, and public policy and regulatory engagement activities. It is very varied and constantly evolving.

My Experience

I’ve been fortunate to have worked in lots of different environments – within the public sector as a financial regulator (FSA) and as a (seconded national) official at the European Commission (DG FISMA). In the private sector I have worked in the architecture / real estate sector (Renton Howard), in private equity (Campbell Lutyens), within management consulting (McKinsey & Company) and on events and association management roles (with the EPFSF).

My Proudest Achievements

I can’t single out one. I’ve personally been happy to have had some rewarding academic and sporting experiences for which lots of training and practice was required. I was always most proud to be involved in accomplishments that I found most challenging or wasn’t so good at.

So, working hard at things that don’t come so easily – whether in home or in work life are the things I’m most proud of.

My Education

I focused on the Arts, but then caught up with a finance qualification whilst working in London.

I studied at Kings College School Wimbledon, and then at the

University of Edinburgh (MA Arts). While working at the Financial Services Authority they sponsored me through a post graduate diploma in financial management, with the ACCA

My Languages

Not my strongest point. By Brussels’ standards I speak just mediocre French and Greek. I studied Latin and Greek at University but regrettably I think I have forgotten most of that.

My Interests outside work

Mostly I operate a taxi service outside work hours as my children are still quite small. But when there is spare time, I like to play sports with friends and family – preferably in the open air. Generally, I like the outdoors and as much exercise as possible. I like visiting ancient sites and have an interest in archaeology and history.

My Favourite Brussels anecdote

Although many of the consultants in this section have a wealth of experience in their own right, and excel at what they do, I certainly feel an obligation to pay respect to those that shaped our industry and acted as our mentors. Without them some of my proudest professional moments would not have been possible. John Houston OBE was my mentor at Houston Consulting Europe and gave me an opportunity at his firm after I left the European Commission. He helped me to form my approach to consulting and supported me through the early years at Kreab. John, Georg Danell and Henning Christophersen all shared so much of their experience with the Kreab team, and we are all hugely grateful to them.

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