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Hans Hack

Hans Hack, Senior Managing Director, Head of the Brussels Office

FTI Consulting

My Job

I am part of the Brussels Leadership of the office. I work with clients that are facing imminent threats and long-term challenges in the EU and beyond. Internally I spend much time on the growth of our office and staff development.

My Experience

My background lies in financial services. I have more than 15 years of experience in financial markets regulation. I moved to Brussels (Dutch permanent representation) from the Dutch ministry of Finance just when the financial crisis started in 2008. This means that ever since my start in Brussels, there has never been a dull moment.

I have worked with all sub-sectors of the financial markets; banking, insurance, asset management, payments, market infrastructure.

In a consultancy as FTI, you have the opportunity and privilege to work for a wide-ranging diversity of clients. Therefore my experience has broadened out to other industries and challenges.

My Proudest Achievements

There have been many. It is fantastic if you succeed in strengthening the reputation of a client, leading to being heard more and better. Yet, my proudest achievement might be more down to earth: supporting a client in a legislative discussion and coming to a great outcome for the client, against all odds. The challenge was in part the timing (client came to us very late in the legislative process) and in part the fact that is was a specific challenge in which there were not many allies. Nonetheless, after a perfectly executed strategy, the authorities agreed with the need for changing provisions.

My Education

Master degrees in Law as well as Economics.

My Languages

English, Dutch.

My Interests outside work

Sports: field-hockey, cycling and running.

My Favourite Brussels anecdote

You have got to love the attitude of Belgian restaurant staff. Belgians love their food and drinks (in more than 10 years, you can count bad dining experiences on one hand). However, the service in restaurants lags far behind. Come in close to closing time and a waiter will almost literally ask why you are there.

Best in Brussels 2024/25 Report

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