Best consultants

Andrea Parola

Andrea Parola, Managing Director

EU Strategy

My Job

I keep the overall strategy, and continuously try to have an understanding of what is happening in the Institutions. It is a key part of my job to keep the team together and be sure we remain relevant and useful to our clients.

My Experience

I have been a consultant since 1997, with a break of 6 years when I worked at the European Commission. Since 2009 I have run my own company.

My Proudest Achievements

To be fair I am still amazed that after 13 years I managed to be on the market and be relevant for our clients. It is a constant effort and struggle, also because I want to be part of the life of my son, so I do not want to miss it. So, every single day is a challenge, juggling deadlines, clients and also school, paediatricians and being a single dad.

My Education

University degree in Political Sciences and two post degree, one in International Relations and the second in International Trade

My Languages

Italian, French and English

My Interests outside work

I am a single dad of a 7 year old, so most of the energy goes to him. Then, when time allows museums, classical music and reading, if possible, together with my son.

My Favourite Brussels anecdote

When I launched my company, a federal agency invited me for a workshop to support newly launched business.  When I got there, I soon realised that I was the only male in the room and this is when the organisers discovered that in Italy, the name Andrea is given to men… it was a workshop organised to boost female entrepreneurship.

Best in Brussels 2024/25 Report

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